Peerless-AV SA740P - Sell Sheet User Manual
Articulating wall arm, Sa740p, For 22"-40" displays

Articulating Wall Arm
For 22"-40" Displays
From any angle, this wall arm mount reflects remarkable form and function. Extending the display
up to 20.18" (513mm) from the wall and allowing for a full 180° of side-to-side motion for viewing
in any part of the room. Fine-tuning of the installation is simple with its side-to-side display leveling
features that help achieve installation perfection. This articulating arm also provides display
centering on the wall plate and integrates a cable management system, centering the display
on the wall when retracted and organizing and protecting the cables at all times. Designed and
built in the USA, this mount maintains the same brilliant look as the entire SmartMount
700 Series
line of Articulating and Pivot Wall Arm Mounts.
Display size: 22"-40"
Max load: 55lb (25kg)
Compatible with
22" to 40" displays with
mounting hole patterns of
75,100, 200 x 100, and 200
x 200mm
Display can be held as
close to the wall as 3.35"
(85mm) or be extended
as far as 20.18" (513mm)
mechanism provides
up to +15°/-5° of tilt
adjustment for achieving
the ideal viewing angle
±5° of roll allows for post
installation leveling
Display can be pivoted
a full ±90° for obtaining
ideal viewing direction
Integrated cable
management system
makes running cables
simple while keeping
the cables protected
Display centers on wall
plate for easy mount
UL Listed
Integrated cable management
protects and organizes cables
Viewing Flexibility
Arm extends up to 20.18"
(513mm) from wall
ideal tilt with JuSt a touch
tilt allows adjustment
of +15° /-5° without the use of tools
remarkable Form
Single stud mounting
for a low-profile and
fast installation
clean application
Integrated cable management
system keeps cables organized
and protected
Post-Installation leveling
* OSHPD Approval Pending
call: 800.865.2112
Fax: 800.359.6500
Patented. Design Patent No. D630,197; D640,673; D631,038; D640,675.
Utility Patent No. 8,028,964 .