Peerless-AV SC551GL - Sell Sheet User Manual
Flat panel floor cart, Sc551gl, For 32" to 47" displays

Flat Panel Floor Cart
for 32" to 47" Displays
The Peerless-AV
SC551GL Flat Panel Floor Cart is designed to provide the ideal display viewing
position with up to 11.8" (300mm) of effortless display height adjustment. The SC551GL is a perfect
solution whether video conferencing from a boardroom or presenting on a trade show floor.
The glass base and shelf complement any décor and the internal cable management hides
the AV cabling, showing a clean, clutter-free appearance.
Display size: 32" to 47"
Max load
Display: 66lb (29.9kg)
Shelf: 25lb (11.3kg)
Compact design offers
personalized computing
and video conferencing
Universal mounting
pattern from 200 x 200mm
up to 516 x 405mm
Display tilt adjustment
of +10°/-5° for desired
viewing angle
11.8" (300mm) of effortless
display height adjustment
provided by an integrated
gas strut
Adjustable tempered
glass shelf for AV
components and
Integrated cable
management protects,
contains and conceals
cables for a clean,
professional installation
2" (51mm) swivel casters
with two locking casters
Assembly hardware
INteGrateD CaBLe MaNaGeMeNt
Protects, contains and conceals cables
for a clean, professional installation
CoMpoNeNt pLaCeMeNt
Adjustable tempered glass shelf for
AV components and accessories
SLeek aND StyLISh
1/2" (13mm) tempered
glass base to meet local
building codes and safety
CaLL: 800.865.2112
FaX: 800.359.6500
LIFt aSSISt heIGht aDjuStMeNt
Integrated gas strut provides up to
11.8" (300mm) of effortless vertical
height adjustment