Peterson AutoStrobe 590 User Manual
Page 21

Page 23
We are assuming that we have chosen a valid name for our file and have, consequently, followed the “NO” path from the
“Name already exists?” decision box on the flowchart. Thus, we have now entered the “Edit Notes” phase of our
temperament file creation. From this one screen, we can now define the note offsets for all 12 scale notes. Note that this
screen shows you which temperament file you are editing as well as which scale note you are editing. Also note that a
“KEY=C” indication is shown on the top line.
NOTE: Regardless of what key signature was current before entering the edit process for temperaments , the key always
reverts to “C” for the purposes of defining note offsets. Once the editing process is complete and you return to the RUN
screen, you may enter any of the alternate keys with the usual results. However, if you applied an offset of 1.1 cents to “D”,
for example, this offset will always apply to “Concert D” regardless of the new KEY you have selected.
The “cents” indication on the second line of this screen is always indicates the individual offset currently selected for the
displayed note. Had we been editing a previously defined temperament file, this first screen may have shown a non-zero
number here. Because we are creating a new temperament file this and all the remaining 11 notes will be initialized to
00.0 cents.
NOTE: Regardless of the resolution previously chosen under the RUN screen, temperament file editing is always carried
out in the highest (0.1 cent) resolution of the tuner.
As you can see from the flowchart, changing the cent value for the current note offset is accomplished with the UP ARROW
and DOWN ARROW buttons next to the screen. Once we set the desired offset for the displayed note, we may either hit
button “4” (NEXT) or the ENTER button. Either one temporarily saves our offset selection and automatically points the
display to the next note in the sequence. At any time short of defining all 12 notes, we may exit and permanently save the
file by hitting button “3” (DONE) and then the ENTER button. This will save our temperament file with all the note offsets
we had entered to that point. Any notes that we declined to define in an editing session will be saved with the initial zero
values (or previously defined offset values if we were editing a pre-existing file). Thus, had we been merely editing a pre-
existing temperament file, we may have wished to only “tweak” several values and not redefine the whole file.
Once a temperament is activated, its name will appear at the upper right-hand corner of the RUN screen:
A=440 C 00 ¢
The Model 590 solves one of the biggest difficulties for wind players and other non-"C" instrument musicians when using
a precision tuner. Mental transposition of your note into the key of "C" is no longer required. The tuner can be easily shifted
to show the correctly transposed note names for tones played on C, B=, F, and E= instruments.
When the Model 590 is displaying the normal RUN screen, simply press the button labeled "KEY". Multiple presses of this
button will cycle the tuner through the musical instrument tuning keys of C, B=, F, and E=. You may press the KEY button
as many times as you wish and the tuner will sequence through the keys of C, B=, F, E=, C, etc. The pitch referenced by
the tuner will change as the speed of the strobe disc is internally transposed for the new tuning key. (Note that any button,
such as KEY, which causes a change in strobe disc speed will be temporarily disabled while the motor is accelerating to its
destination speed.) When in Auto-Note mode, sound your note and the scale note displayed on the LCD screen will reflect
the transposition from "concert pitch" that corresponds with the currently selected KEY parameter shown in upper left hand
corner of the RUN screen.