American Car Craft Corvette Fog Light Grille 2Pc Laser Mesh Polished 1997-2004 C5 & Z06 User Manual

American Car Craft For the car

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PART #032024

___ 2- Stainless Grilles
___ 2- Adhesive Promoter Packs
___ 2- 12” Lengths Black Molding
___ 2- 32” Lengths ¼” Chrome Molding

1. Scrub the painted surface of the fog light opening closest to the black fog light

shroud and the shroud area above the light just past the painted edge with alcohol
to remove all dirt and wax. Then swipe the area once with the adhesive promoter

2. You have been provided with a 12” length of black molding. Apply this length to

the bottom of the hole at the very edge of the painted surface. Press firmly to set
making sure the trim is attached to the painted surface and NOT to the black fog
light shroud.

3. With the trim in place and all the mountable areas cleaned and prepped you may

begin installation by removing the red release liner from the attachment tape at
both areas on the grille. Then carefully place first the bottom of the appropriate
grille into the hole setting it against the black trim as you slide the top of the grille
past the painted surface directly onto the black fog light shroud. Press firmly to
set both the top and the bottom of the grille.

4. You have been provided with a 32” length of ¼” chrome trim. To install this trim

place it at the top center of the hole directly to the paint. NOTE: The trim will not
touch the grille at the top area. Simply follow the painted edge all the way around
to the grille making sure that the trim presses firmly against the grille at the side
and bottom areas as you attach it to the paint. Work your way to your starting
point and cut away any excess trim into a nice tight butt seam.