American Car Craft Camaro Hood Panel Supercharged Illuminated 2010-2013 User Manual
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2. You have been provided with two small hood sections designed to fit into the two recessed areas. To
permanently install them you will need to apply a large pile of 100% clear household silicone directly to the
center of these areas. Pile the silicone high so that you can be sure that the silicone will make good contact with
the small sections. Peel the red release liner from the back of the two small sections and then press them into
place. The attachment tape will hold the two small sections firmly in place as the silicone sets.
3. You have been provided with a single adhesive promoter snap tube. Use the tube to apply a single bead of
adhesive promoter along the painted edge of the two small sections you just installed. You have also been
provided with two small lengths of chrome trim. Peel the red release liner from the back of the trim and apply it
directly to the paint against the outer edge of the two stainless sections to finish them.
8. Now that the two small sections have been successfully installed you can proceed.
9. Your hood panel is lighted, so you will have to wire the lighting threw the frame of the hood. Carefully drill two holes
one on the hood panel side below where the hood panel will sit so you do not see the wires running into the hood
and drill the other hole right below the hinge on the passenger side, by using a metal coat hanger you can guide the
wire threw both holes and come out by the hinge..
10. The next large section will be a lot easier to set than the center panel. Apply some silicone directly to the top area
close to the hood latch and any available areas on the hood skin. Then set the large section in place and center it
perfectly. You will notice several holes in the hood panel for the attachment screws. Peel the protective liner from
each of the these areas and then place each screw through the white nylon cap socket and then pilot the screw
directly into the hoods sub frame. Since the sub frame is a very thin gauge metal, the screws will self-tap right into
the sub frame with a moderate pressure from your screw gun. As you are setting the screws, be careful not to over
tighten them as this will cause the hood panel to distort and may also strip the sub frame. Just a moderate
pressure at low speed should work great. Once you have set all the screws snap on the chrome caps to finish the
installation. The simply reattach the hood and windshield washer fluid supply line. Then remove the protective liner.
11. Now you will have to make your connections with the wiring for the lights. The switch and extra wire is not included.
You can make your connections to the fuse box which is on the passenger side.
American Car Craft LLC
18924 Sakera Rd Hudson, FL. 34667
Ph 727.861.1500 Fax 727.861.1520