American Car Craft Camaro Supercharger Engine Shroud Polished ZL1 Only 2012-2013 User Manual

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3. With the hoses detached you will need to remove the large shrink wrap the factory has banded these

hoses with in order to allow the hosed to be manipulated to their new location. You can simply and
carefully slice the shrink tube with a scissor making sure not to nick any part of the water hoses. Once
they are loose detach the hoses from the lower radiator retainers and remove those as well. Now that
the hoses are free you should be able to route them under the main air filter tube. Since the hoses are
extremely flexible and have a natural curve shape to them you will notice that upon their rerouting
they will take to their new direction as if they were originally intended to route to this new position.
Because of this fun fact you will be able to route the hoses back up to the ports and then reconnect.
You have been supplied with a few zip ties. These will work perfectly to allow you to secure the hose
from migrating too close to the engine pulleys or any other moving parts. Simply look at the hoses
closely to determine the best location for the zip ties.

4. Now that the engine hoses are nice and secure at their new locations you can begin to install the

engine shroud it. The new cover should simply slip over the factor cover. You will notice eight small
holes, four at the top front and four at the two sides. Set the new cover so that it fits perfectly over the
supercharged lettering and clamp it nice and snug using a couple of squeeze clamps on both sides. This
will allow you to maintain its alignment so you can pilot all the small holes with a 9/64 drill bit. Once all
the holes have been piloted secure the new cover with the eight ½” washer head style screws
provided. Once all the screws have been install it is important to add the eight flat nuts provided to
secure the cover from becoming loose due to engine heat and vibration. Simply set the flat nut onto
the screw end under the cover and tighten again until snug.

5. Remove the protective liner from the entire cover. You have been provided with eight 1” chrome

decorative screw covers that contain butyl putty. Simply peel the protective paper from the putty and
firmly press the cap to each screw and then reinstall the engine shroud to finish the installation.

American Car Craft LLC

18924 Sakera Rd Hudson, FL. 34667

Ph 727.861.1500 Fax 727.861.1520