American Car Craft HHR Taillight Trim Polished w_Brushed Rings 2006-2012 User Manual
American Car Craft For the car

___4-Stainless Taillight Trim Rings (marked Driver and Passenger)
___2-Adhesive Promoter Tube
1. These stainless rings attach to the painted surface around each taillight lens.
Thoroughly clean the perimeter of the taillight lens with household rubbing
alcohol to remove any dirt and wax. Then swipe each of the four areas once with
the adhesive promoter tube provided.
2. Your new rings come to you in a package marked driver and passenger. Remove
the rings from either side and you will notice that the rings are not quite a perfect
circle. These are made this way so that they will match the irregular shape of the
lens. The top lenses are slightly different then the bottom ones so you will simply
need to place the ring over the lens and rotate it until the shapes match. Once you
have matched the ring mark the lenses and the rings with a grease pencil or china
marker so that you will be able to reestablish the positions of each ring when you
are ready to permanently attach the ring to the paint.
3. Now that you have established the correct position of each ring simply peel the
red release liner from the back of each ring and carefully place them onto the
paint and press firmly to set in place. DO NOT GET WET FOR 24 HOURS.