American Car Craft Dodge Viper Air Tube Top Plate "V-10 8.4L Polished 2008-2010" User Manual

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2008-2010 Dodge Viper Air Box Letter Set


1-V-10 8.4L Plate
1-Promoter Packet

1. Wash the area on your engine air box where you are going to mount the

2. Set each number on top of box to see how it fits.

3. Once you are comfortable with how each number fits take your promoter
packet or pen and open it (you must snap the pen at its midpoint to
initiate it). Wipe down the raised 3-D numbers on the Air-box where you
are doing to mount your new stainless steel numbers.

4. Let dry for 2 minutes. Remove the back off one number at a time and
place it on top of the air box where it goes. Press firmly all along the
surface of the each number.

5. If you numbers have a clear plastic protective seal on top of them you
may peel it off at this time.