American Car Craft Corvette Air Capacitor Cover 2Pc Perforated 2008-2013 C6+GS User Manual
American car craft instructions

PART #043057
Parts Included:
1 x Adhesive Promoter Pack
2 x Stainless Covers
Introduction: This new and unique cover has been designed to install over the factory air capacitor cover box top are as
well as the lower side view of the canister.
Liner Information: Your new accessories will come to you with a protective surface liner. Leave this liner in place until
the installation is complete to prevent finger prints and or possible scratches during installation.
1. Thoroughly scrub clean the entire top area as well as the visible side areas of the factory air box with alcohol to
remove any and all contaminates such as vinyl dressing, road grime and dirt. Test that you have achieved a nice
clean surface by applying a small length of masking tape to see how well it sticks. If the stick is weak, repeat the
cleaning process until it is strong. This is especially important because the new cover is relatively heavy and the
air box will have a tendency to expand and contract with the heat of the engine bay, so a good clean bond is
crucial to the long term installation.
2. Once you have achieved a nice tack apply the adhesive promoter supplied with your kit. This chemical packet is
not a cleaner but an adhesive accelerator and must be used in order to achieve a good long term bond.
3. Before you permanently attach your new cover place set into position to check the fit. Although your cover
comes to you pre-shaped it is absolutely imperative that the shape be contoured further by hand until it
matches the shape of the air box perfectly. This is critical for a successful long term bond of this accessory. If