American Car Craft Chrysler 300 _ Dodge Charger_Magnum SRT 8 Firewall Polished 2005-2010 User Manual

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2. You will notice a large vacuum valve bolted to the shock tower just to the left side

of your engine bay. (Passenger side) Unbolt this valve and use the same bolt to
attach the extension bracket (provided). Then attach the valve to the bracket
using the ¼-20 nut and bolt (provided). This procedure will force the vacuum
valve to sit in a further back position in order to allow the false firewall
placement. You will also need to reroute the water tank fill line. This line has
been routed by the factory across the engine bay to the tank and is not very nice
looking and can be pinched by the firewall if left in position. To fix this simply
remove the line from the tank, reroute the line behind the aluminum block
bracket that is mounted to the shock tower pull it back up to the tank and
reinstall. This will nicely tuck the fill line out of the way and out of view.

3. Your new firewall panel comes to you flat. In order to achieve a nice conforming

fit along the wiper cowl gasket ridge it will be necessary to slightly form the
panel by hand. To do this you will need to remove it shape it some and place it
back into position several times until the panel begins to sit relatively parallel to
the wiper cowl ridge. It is also important to make sure that the fuel line is
centered in the notch provided. We have experienced the transmission dip stick
can be over to one side or the other from car to car should this be the case with
your vehicle the tube can easily be adjusted by inserting a large long screwdriver
into the tube. This will give you ideal leverage to nudge the tube so that you can
achieve a nice centered appearance. Once you are satisfied with the fit drill two
9/64 holes directly thru the upper chrome trim and into the cowl ridge. Just to
the left and right side of the firewall you will notice two large plastic circular cowl
retainers on the cowl. These are good locations to place screws thru the firewall
to hold it securely.

4. Once the holes are drilled, remove the protective liner. Then secure with the two

chrome oval head screws (provided), just enough so that the head of the screw
countersinks itself into the chrome trim. Be sure not to over tighten. Replace
engine cover. HELPFUL TIP: There are two ground bolts on the left and right side
of the engine bay just hidden behind the shock tower ridge. For best placement
of your new firewall you may want to rest the panel in front of these bolts!

5. For SRT 8 Models Only: Thoroughly clean the top of the factory transmission

fluid dip stick cap with household rubbing alcohol then swipe the factory cap
once with the adhesive promoter provided. You have been provided with a
chrome cap cover remove the Velcro attachment cookie and install it onto the
factory cap and press firmly to set. Then simply place your new cap cover in

If any questions occur during installation please call American Car Craft at 727-861-
