American Car Craft Camaro Shark Tooth OEM Grille Upgrade Black 2010-2013 V6 User Manual
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5. Now you are ready to install the grille. Slide the grille into the bumper face opening at an angle so that the entire
assembly sits inside the opening. Once the assembly has been inserted, carefully force the tabs of the bumper
opening through each of the tab slots in the factory grille frame. Work your way around the frame until you
have snapped in all tabs pulling gently towards you to match the grille assembly nicely to the bumper opening.
At this point the main grille section should be nicely installed and all that is left to do, is cap the areas of the
grille that where cut earlier.
The next and final part of this installation will be to prepare the factory frame to receive the two cap sections
provided in your kit. These pieces have been powder coated to match the finish of the plastic grille and are
designed to interlock. In order to do this you will need to manually shape each piece so that they contour into
the frames shape. This is a very easy procedure and can be done. Simply shape the cap by hand until they match
the grille frame surface perfectly. Once this is done prepare the plastic frame to receive the caps by scrubbing
the frame clean with alcohol. Then swipe the grille frame with the adhesive promoter provided in your kit. This
chemical is not a cleaner but an adhesive accelerator and must be used in order to ensure a nice long lasting
bond. Once this step is done peel the red release liner from the back of the caps and then press them firmly in
If you have any questions, please call American Car Craft at 727.861.1500.
Thank you and enjoy your purchase!
American Car Craft LLC
18924 Sakera Rd Hudson, FL. 34667
Ph 727.861.1500 Fax 727.861.1520