American Car Craft Corvette Exhaust Filler Panel GHL Quad 4.0 Tips Perforated 2005-2013 C6 User Manual

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SPECIAL INSTALLATION INFORMATION: During this product development and
after performing many installations we have noticed that there can be a variable from
car to car of the exhaust tip position by as much as a half an inch up or down and
sometimes from side to side. Due to this fact on occasion it may be necessary to
adjust the tips and or the new panel in order for them to be able to receive each other.
The most common situation is that the exhaust mufflers sit a little low. In this
situation installation can be achieved by forcing the new panel up and pulling the soft
flexible urethane bumper cover down until they meet each other, then simply install
the screw and flat nut to lock in the connection. In the situation where the variable
exists side to side the most common result is that after the installation has been
achieved an unsightly gap can appear at one end or the other. Keeping in mind that
the new panel has been laser cut perfectly symmetrical should any intolerable gaps
appear the best and most sure way to achieve a pristine end result is to stop at an
exhaust shop and have the exhaust perches aligned so as to receive the symmetrical
holes in your new panel and achieve a beautiful and perfectly gapless appearance.
The adjustments can be made at these four perches, should you elect to perform any
adjustments yourself instructions are as follows: Each muffler has two steel hanger
pins. These pins can be easily bent left or right, up or down. In order to do this you
must slide the rubber grommet off the pin only and NOT completely off the hanger
bracket. With the pins exposed you can adjust them by bending their direction up,
down or side to side as needed. NOTE: Keep in mind that bending the pins will cause
the muffler to move in the opposite direction. The easiest way to bend the pins is by