American Car Craft HHR Bumper Grille Insert Polished Front Lower 2006-2012 User Manual

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Your new lower bumper insert is a unique restyling accessory designed to resurface the
lower opening just below the factory bumper transforming the cars frontal appearance
into a nice looking custom with that OE style. It is easy to install in just a few simple

1. Thoroughly clean the lower area of the bumper opening with soap and water first to
remove any road grime and dirt. Then scrub vigorously with rubbing alcohol, after the
area has been thoroughly cleaned swipe the area once with the adhesive promoter packet

2. IMPORTANT: Although your new insert comes to you pre shaped it WILL be
necessary to further tweak the shape in order to perfectly match the opening. Place the
insert in place to get acquainted with how to set it in and also to see just where the insert
will need to be shaped. The metal is very thin and will conform to your adjustments. This
step is VERY CRITICAL to insure that the new unit will stay in shape and in place long
term so take you time to shape the part to the car until you achieve a nice contoured fit
without forcing it. A properly shaped part is one that will LOOK installed with NO gaps
and lay in position by itself. Once you have achieved this you can now permanently begin

3. Peel a small amount of the red release liner front the back of the part and fold it
forward in such a way as to be able to pull it off after you have reinserted the stainless
cover. Insert the part and make sure it lines up nicely to the front edge. With the unit in
place pull the red release liner out completely and then set the part to the opening by
pressing firmly into place.

4. You have been supplied with a length of chrome trim. This trim is to be place directly
to the painted surface tight up against the new part to close the space between the part
and paint. Clean with alcohol then swipe once with the adhesive promoter tube. Peel a
small length of the red release liner from the back of the trim and set in place at one end.
Pressing firmly run the trim along the entire length as you pull the liner until you reach
the opposite side then cut away any access trim and set the end. Remove the protective

If any questions occur during installation please contact American Car
Craft @ 727 861-1500.

Thank you and enjoy your purchase!

Note: EXTRA CARE must be taken when cleaning your stainless trim. It is a
good idea to lightly dust your trim with a clean soft cloth first in order to
prevent any particles from scratching it. Then wipe (using a new clean soft
cloth) with a good quality streak free glass cleaner.