American Car Craft Camaro Cowl Hood Fade Graphic 2010-2013 Black User Manual

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1. The first and most critical step in this and any graphic installation is the surface
preparation. Thoroughly scrub clean the paint area with a professional wax and silicone
remover. Many such surface preps are available at any auto paint supply and or upper
level auto part stores. If these are not available to you rubbing alcohol would be the
next best thing to remove any and all dirt and wax from the painted surface. You have
been provided with adhesive promoter snap tubes. With the surface of the hood and
header scrubbed clean swipe a single bead of adhesive promoter along the gap between
the hood and header. Apply the promoter to the both the right and left curves of the
header vent (should you be applying this graphic to an SS model). This will insure that
the graphic will permanently bond to these areas long term.

2. Your graphic comes to you with a paper vent location attached directly to the front
end of the graphic. If this graphic is to be installed on a SS models vent area the graphic
offers you two options for application. A highly trained installer should be able to slice
the graphic at the vent area and form the vinyl to the lower vent area. Using a heat gun
to soften the vinyl will allow him to wrap the vinyl into this area bonding to the adhesive
promoter applied earlier thusly shaping the graphic to the vent area nicely however
should you elect to apply the graphic using the gloss black vent insert provided simply
cut the graphic along the paper application removing the vent area from the graphic
then install the gloss black vent insert first using the heat gun to set and dry this
application, then simply install the main graphic sealing the cut opening to the gloss
black vinyl creating a nice and complete application to the header vent area. If your
application is going to be installed to a standard CAMARO simply remove the paper vent
liner and proceed to install the graphic without the vent area.

3. Now that the surface has been properly prepared and you are ready to install the
graphic you must first mark the dead center of the hood at the windshield and also at
the front nose area. Apply a small piece of masking tape to these two spots. Measure
the center of the hood and mark this measurement directly to the tape at both ends of
the application. Next mark the graphic itself at both ends. This will enable you to
perfectly align the graphic at both the windshield area as well as the front nose.

4. Now you will need to prepare the mounting solution. Fill a 32oz. spray bottle with
water and ad a few drops of Johnson's baby shampoo. This soap is a pure detergent and
is a perfect solution agent. Mix the water and spray it directly to the paint. Then see if
the solution sheets or beads up. If it beads up add a little more soap until it just sheets
to the paint. Be sure not to add too much soap as this will make the installation difficult
to set and will cause bonding problems long term.

5. Using the hood surface as a spring board, spray some solution onto the hood and
then laying the graphic face down allowing the graphic to cling to the hood. Peel the
release liner from the graphic as you thoroughly saturate the adhesive with your
solution. Do this until the adhesive is completely and thoroughly saturated with the

solution and then flip the graphic into position. Using the felt squeegee provided stretch the