Rainbow Electronics DS1629 User Manual

Page 15

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The command set for the DS1629 as shown in Table 8 is as follows:

Access Config [ACh]

If R/


is "0", this command writes to the configuration register. After issuing this command, the next

data byte value is to be written into the configuration register. If R/


is "1", the next data byte read is the

value stored in the configuration register. Because the MSB of the configuration register is read/write and
the LSB is read-only, the user only needs to write one byte to the register. One or two bytes can be read.

Start Convert T [EEh]

This command begins a temperature conversion. No further data is required. In one-shot mode, the
temperature conversion will be performed and then the DS1629 will remain idle. In continuous mode, this
command will initiate continuous conversions. Issuance of this protocol may not required upon DS1629
power-up, depending upon the state of the CNV bit in the configuration register.

Stop Convert T [22h]

This command stops temperature conversion. No further data is required. This command may be used to
halt a DS1629 in continuous conversion mode. After issuing this command, the current temperature
measurement will be completed, and then the DS1629 will remain idle until a Start Convert T is issued to
resume conversions.

Read Temperature [AAh]

This command reads the last temperature conversion result from the Thermometer Register in the format
described in the “OPERATION-Measuring Temperature” section. If one’s application can accept
thermometer resolution of only 1.0°C, the master only must read the first data byte and follow with a
NACK and STOP. For higher resolution, both bytes must be read.

Read Counter [A8h]

This command returns the 8-bit COUNT_REMAIN value, used for high resolution thermometer

Read Slope [A9h]

This command returns the 8-bit COUNT_PER_C value, used for high resolution thermometer

Access Clock [C0h]

Accesses the DS1629 clock/calendar register. If R/


is "0" the master will write to the clock register (set

the clock). If R/


is "1", the clock register is read. The clock register is addressed, so the user must

provide a beginning byte address, whether a read or write is performed. A write to or read from this
register or the clock alarm register is required to clear the clock alarm flag (CAF). Refer to Figure 6 for
the protocol and Figure 2 for the clock register map.

Access Clock Alarm [C7h]

Accesses the DS1629 clock alarm register. If R/


is "0" the master will write to the clock alarm register

(set/ change the alarm). If R/


is "1", the clock alarm register is read. The clock alarm register is

addressed, so the user must provide a beginning byte address, whether a read or write is performed. A
write to or read from this register or the clock register is required to clear the clock alarm flag (CAF).
Refer to Figure 6 for the protocol and Figure 4 for the clock alarm register map.