1 0 functional description – Rainbow Electronics ADC0820 User Manual
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1 0 Functional Description
When a typical conversion is started the WR line is brought
low At this instant the MS comparators go from zeroing to
comparison mode (
Figure 8
) When WR is returned high af-
ter at least 600 ns the output from the first set of compara-
tors (the first flash) is decoded and latched At this point the
two 4-bit converters change modes and the LS (least signifi-
cant) flash ADC enters its compare cycle No less than 600
ns later the RD line may be pulled low to latch the lower 4
data bits and finish the 8-bit conversion When RD goes low
the flash A Ds change state once again in preparation for
the next conversion
Figure 8
also outlines how the converter’s interface timing
relates to its analog input (V
) In WR-RD mode V
measured while WR is low In RD mode sampling occurs
during the first 800 ns of RD Because of the input connec-
tions to the ADC0820’s LS and MS comparators the con-
verter has the ability to sample V
at one instant (Section
2 4) despite the fact that two separate 4-bit conversions are
being done More specifically when WR is low the MS flash
is in compare mode (connected to V
) and the LS flash is
in zero mode (also connected to V
) Therefore both flash
ADCs sample V
at the same time
The ADC0820 has two basic interface modes which are se-
lected by strapping the MODE pin high or low
RD Mode
With the MODE pin grounded the converter is set to Read
mode In this configuration a complete conversion is done
by pulling RD low until output data appears An INT line is
provided which goes low at the end of the conversion as
well as a RDY output which can be used to signal a proces-
sor that the converter is busy or can also serve as a system
Transfer Acknowledge signal
RD Mode (Pin 7 is Low)
TL H 5501 – 16
When in RD mode the comparator phases are internally
triggered At the falling edge of RD the MS flash converter
goes from zero to compare mode and the LS ADC’s com-
parators enter their zero cycle After 800 ns data from the
MS flash is latched and the LS flash ADC enters compare
mode Following another 800 ns the lower 4 bits are recov-
WR then RD Mode
With the MODE pin tied high the A D will be set up for the
WR-RD mode Here a conversion is started with the WR
input however there are two options for reading the output
data which relate to interface timing If an interrupt driven
scheme is desired the user can wait for INT to go low be-
fore reading the conversion result (
Figure B
) INT will typi-
cally go low 800 ns after WR’s rising edge However if a
shorter conversion time is desired the processor need not
wait for INT and can exercise a read after only 600 ns (
ure A
) If this is done INT will immediately go low and data
will appear at the outputs
TL H 5501 – 17
FIGURE A WR-RD Mode (Pin 7 is High and t
TL H 5501 – 18
FIGURE B WR-RD Mode (Pin 7 is High and t
For stand-alone operation in WR-RD mode CS and RD can
be tied low and a conversion can be started with WR Data
will be valid approximately 800 ns following WR’s rising
WR-RD Mode (Pin 7 is High) Stand-Alone Operation
TL H 5501 – 19