Main page inserts, Inserts, Digital radiance generator – TC Electronic Finalizer 96k User Manual
Page 19: Stereo adjust, Dynamic equalizer

Select Insert 1 or 2 using the BLOCK keys
The Finalizer has various Insert possibilities. Choose between:
None, DRG (Digital Radiance Generator), Stereo Adjust,
Dynamic EQ, Parametric EQ, Ext Insert or MS Encoding/
Decoding or Spectral Stereo Image (only available in
Finalizer 96).
Note: You can use only one Insert type at a time.
E.g. not two parametric EQs at the same time.
Basic operation
- Select Insert 1 or 2 using the BLOCK keys.
- Use the MENU keys to highlight the Insert type.
- Use the ADJUST wheel to select Insert type.
- Press the PARAMETER keys to select parameter.
- Turn the ADJUST wheel to change values.
Digital Radiance Generator
The DRG (Digital Radiance Generator) adds second harmonic
distortion to the signal. This kind of distortion is very
Analog-like, and will add a certain warmth to your material.
The DRG drive is adjustable from 0 to 10.
The Curve parameter changes the face of the second harmonics
added by the DRG.
If your material is asymmetric (percussion/speech, etc.), the
plus/minus parameter will change the sound of the DRG.
Please try this and listen.
Stereo Adjust
With Stereo Adjust, you can change the stereo information
content of the signal. Turn the MS (M-mono, S-stereo), parame-
ter clockwise to increase stereo width, and counter-clockwise to
make the signal more mono-like.
You can change the Left/Right balance with the LR parameter.
Dynamic Equalizer
The Dynamic Equalizer is somewhat like an extended
De-esser with more parameters and enlarged
frequency range, enabling better control. You can also
look at the Dynamic Equalizer (and a De-esser) as a
Compressor that works in a defined and limited part of
the frequency range.
When the Input level exceeds the Threshold, the Dynamic
Equalizer will be activated.
The Ratio of the gain reduction. When the Ratio is set to 4:1 it
means that for every 4dB the defined frequency range rises above
Threshold, the Output level of the specified frequency is
increased by only 1dB.
The Attack time is the response time that the Dynamic EQ uses
to reach the gain reduction specified by the Ratio parameter.
Example: If the Input signal increases to 4dB above Threshold
with the Ratio set to 4:1 and the Attack set to 20ms, the Dynamic
EQ will use 20ms to reach the gain reduction of 3dB.
Release sets the fall-back time of the Dynamic EQ, after the
signal drops below the Threshold.
The frequency sets the working frequency of the Dynamic EQ.
With the curve parameter, you select whether the Dynamic EQ
should work with a bell-shaped or shelving filter.