Mp-201 multi-pedal manual – Moog Music MP-201 Multi-Pedal (User's Guide) User Manual

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MP-201 Multi-Pedal Manual

Firmware v2.0 Addendum

Gate channels and MIDI:

A Gate channel can output a MIDI CC (0-127) and/or a MIDI Note (0-127). The MIDI CC value will be 127 when
the Gate is turned On, or 0 when the Gate is turned Off.

If MIDINOTE OUT is enabled, the channel will output a NoteOn with Velocity 64 when the Gate is turned On, and
a NoteOff (velocity 0) when the Gate is turned Off. The MIDI note number which is sent is set by MIDINOTE

If a MIDI CC is enabled for a Gate channel, then the Gate can also be turned On and Off by sending this MIDI
CC number to the MP-201 on the selected MIDI channel, regardless of the GATE SOURCE. Any MIDI CC value
greater than 63 will turn on the Gate if it is Off, and any MIDI CC value 0-63 will turn off the Gate if it is On.

New Channel Modes:


The MIDI TO CV Channel Mode takes MIDI Notes as input, and puts out a Pitch Control Voltage which is
adjustable between 0.667 Volts per octave and 1.333 Volts per octave. The default is 1.0 Volts per octave; this
is set by the CV SCALE parameter.

One certain MIDI note will always produce a CV output of zero Volts; this is called the Root Note and is set by
the user, using the ROOT NOTE=0V parameter. All other Pitch CV output is calculated relative to this Root

If the MP-201 CV Scale is set to UNIPOLAR (all CV outputs are restricted to the range 0V to +5V), then the Root
Note is the lowest note that will play; all MIDI notes below this will also cause the CV output to be zero Volts.

If the MP-201 CV Scale is set to BIPOLAR (output voltage range -5V to +5V), then the Root Note sits in the
middle of the Pitch CV range, and MIDI notes below the Root Note will cause a negative voltage output, down to
-5V minimum.

The default Root Note is MIDI Note 48, or C3. You can transpose by semitones the pitch of the CV output
relative to the MIDI notes you play, just by changing the Root Note.

PITCH BEND - MIDI TO CV channels can also respond to Pitch Bend messages on the selected MIDI channel,
at full 14-bit resolution. You can set Pitch Bend range from 1 to 12 semitones or 24 semitones, or turn Pitch Bend

GLIDE MODE - allows for analog-style glide between notes. OFF turns off the Glide feature, ON causes a glide
between all notes all the time, and LEGATO GLIDE causes a glide only between overlapping notes, with no
glide (instant change in Pitch CV) for disconnected notes. Legato Glide is excellent for live performance and for
303-style step-sequences.

GLIDE RATE - sets how much glide between notes. Range is 0-4095, but actual glide time depends on the Glide
Type used.

GLIDE TYPE - has four options: Constant Rate, Constant Time, Log, and Exp. Constant Rate is classic "Moog-
Style" glide; in Constant Rate mode the Glide Rate parameter sets how long it takes for the Pitch CV to change
by one volt. This rate of change is constant, so as a result it takes longer to glide between two notes that are far
apart than it takes to glide between two close-together ones.

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