Mp-201 multi-pedal manual – Moog Music MP-201 Multi-Pedal (User's Guide) User Manual
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MP-201 Multi-Pedal Manual
Firmware v2.0 Addendum
Changes to Channel Mode GATE:
Previously the most simple of MP-201 Channel Modes, the humble GATE could be either On or Off, Momentary
or Latching. Now GATE Mode is perhaps the most powerful and richly-featured Channel Mode of them all.
The first change you will notice is the GATE SOURCE selection. Options are FOOT SWITCH, MIDI NOTES, or
FOOT SWITCH preserves the functionality of GATE Mode in firmware v1: You can set FS MODE to Latching or
Momentary, to control how the channel toggles On/Off in response to the foot switch, and you can set
INITIALSTATE to control whether the gate is On or Off when the preset is loaded.
For Momentary Gates, INITIALSTATE sets whether the gate is Normally-Off (Momentary-On) or Normally-On
If GATE SOURCE is set to MIDI NOTES, then the channel behaves as a Normally-Off, Momentary-On Gate
which turns on in response to MIDI notes on the selected MIDI channel.
VELO TRIGGER allows you to set a MIDI Velocity (1-127) below which the Gate will not turn on.
TRIGGER MODE - controls how the Gate behaves in response to multiple MIDI notes at a time.
LEGATO: In this Trigger Mode, the Gate will turn on in response to the first MIDI NoteOn message, and will
remain On continuously for as long as any notes remain held. When the last NoteOff message is received and
there are no notes on the note stack, then the Gate will turn Off.
RETRIGGER: The Gate will turn momentarily Off and then On again for each new MIDI note. If the Gate is
controlling an Envelope, this will cause the Envelope Generator to fire with each new note played, even if other
notes are still held. These Trigger Modes are designed to behave similarly to the Gate functions of most
monophonic analog synthesizers.
The final GATE SOURCE option is PEDAL CV. This mode reads the scaled voltage coming from the MP-201
Foot Pedal, and allows you to set a THRESHOLD above which the Gate will turn on, and below which it will turn
You can set HEEL VALUE and TOE VALUE parameters to adjust exactly the point at which the Gate will act,
including setting TOE VALUE less than HEEL VALUE in order to reverse the Off and On directions (e.g. to have
a Gate that is On when the pedal is in the Heel position and Off when the pedal is moved to the Toe position).
When Gate Source is set to MIDI Notes or Pedal CV, the Channel On/Off footswitch does not turn the Gate on
and off (as it does when Gate Source = Foot Switch); instead, the Channel On/Off footswitch disables or enables
triggering of the gate by the selected Gate Source. That is to say, that the footswitch toggles whether or not the
Gate will respond to MIDI Notes or to Pedal movements. When Gate response is disabled, this is indicated by
"---" shown on the LCD where the Channel Mode (GATE, EG) would normally be displayed.
The GATE / EG parameter allows you to select GATE or ENVELOPE CV output for this channel. Envelope
Generation is a major new feature for the MP-201. Envelopes appear as CV Output only; the MIDI output for
Gate channels is the same regardless of GATE / EG setting.
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