Mp-201 multi-pedal manual – Moog Music MP-201 Multi-Pedal (User's Guide) User Manual
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MP-201 Multi-Pedal Manual
Firmware v2.0 Addendum
ENV SHAPE - allows you to select from three basic Envelope Shapes: Linear, Logarithmic and Exponential.
The ENV SHAPE menu has a fourth option, COMPLEX. In COMPLEX mode you can program a separate
envelope shape (LIN, LOG, EXP) for the Attack, Decay and Release stages individually.
Mathematics experts will note that the “Logarithmic” and “Exponential” envelope shapes do not behave exactly
like those names would imply. If you look only at the Attack phase, then the names LOG and EXP are close to
accurate in describing the shape of the envelope. However, the Decay and Release phases give almost the op-
posite shape. The actual functions used to create MP-201 envelopes might more accurately be called “acceler-
ating change in voltage” and “decelerating change in voltage,” but these names might be confusing to the user,
and, more to the point, they would not fit on the MP-201 display. In actual use, you should experiment to find
what envelope shape gives the best effect for your purpose, and remember that the COMPLEX envelope setting
allows you to choose a different shape for each envelope stage, to assemble precisely the envelope shape you
want to hear.
An MP-201 envelope has five stages: Hold, Attack, Decay, Sustain, and Release. All stages have values in the
range 0-4095. The duration parameters (Hold, Attack, Decay, Release) all have a range of roughly 1 millisecond
to four seconds, while the Sustain level is adjustable between 0V and +5V.
The HOLD stage begins the moment the Gate is triggered. If Hold is enabled, the CV output is held at 0V for an
adjustable duration between ~1 millisecond and 4 seconds, before the start of the Attack stage.
ATTACK - sets the duration for the CV output to go from 0V to +5V.
DECAY - sets the duration for the CV output to go from +5V to the Sustain voltage,
which is of course set by SUSTAIN.
Normally, the output will remain at the Sustain level for as long as the Gate is On.
RELEASE - sets the duration for the CV output to fall to zero once the Gate is turned Off.
EG LOOPING - allows a choice between ONE SHOT, which is normal HADSR envelope generation as
described above, or ADR LOOP.
If ADR LOOP is selected, the envelope behaves a bit differently. When the Gate is turned On, the envelope
begins as before, with a Hold time if enabled and the Attack and Decay stages. When the envelope reaches the
Sustain voltage level, however, it immediately switches to the Release stage.
At the end of the Release stage when the output voltage reaches zero, the Attack stage begins again. The
envelope will continue cycling through the Attack, Decay and Release stages for as long as the Gate is on.
Whenever the Gate is turned Off, a Release stage is initiated and the output falls again to zero.
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