Grain Systems PNEG-950 User Manual
Page 32

Meter Roll 2 Speed Display
• Set the speed of the metering roll when the two speed automatic moisture control feature of the
dryer is utilized.
If you turn the meter roll adjustment knob and the unload switch is in the two speed position, you can adjust
your 2 speed settings. Notice that the numbers next to Low is flashing. This indicates that any adjustment you
make with the meter roll know will only affect this setting. To change the High setting, press the meter roll
adjusment knob until it clicks. You screen should now flash the numbers next to the High setting. Any adjust-
ment made at this point will only affect this setting.
If you are finished with your adjustments, press the
button. The screen will also return to the main
display if you don’t turn or press the knob for about 8 seconds.
Note: This screen is only available if the moisture control switch is on and the unload switch is in the 2
speed position.
Momentarily turn each fan switch to on and observe the fan rotation. The fan should run counterclockwise. Some-
times on three phase models all motors will run backwards. They can easily be reversed by interchanging two of
the three power supply wires. All power should be switched and locked off before attempting to reverse the
connections. Reverse the two outside wires, L1 and L3, and leave the middle one in the same position.
Note: The bottom fan on your dryer is always refered to as Fan 1.
To check the burner safety function, first make sure the main gas valve is off. Turn the fan switch on and allow the
fan to start. Then, turn the heater switch on for that fan. The dryer will shut down after 20 seconds. The safety
message, “Ignition Failure x” will appear. Reset the dryer and repeat for the other fan/heater(s).
Test fire each burner by starting the fan. Then, turn the burner switch to on. Turn on the fuel supply, and the
burner should ignite after a short purge delay of approximately 10 seconds. Gas pressure should be shown on the
gauge. At this time adjust the plenum set point to 200°F (93°C), causing the burner to operate on hi-fire. Observe
the gas pressure on gauge, and lower the plenum set point until it causes the burner to cycle into lo-fire. When the
plenum temperature set point is met, the gas pressure should show a noticeable drop, indicating that the cycling
solenoid is closed and the burner is being supplied with less gas through the bypass valve. At this time set the hi-
fire and lo-fire pressure settings. Use the pressure regulator for hi-fire and the cycling solenoid needle valve for lo-
fire. The computer should cycle the burners between high and low, approximately 4 to 5 times per minute.
Only use pressure required to obtain desired temperature.
Approximate settings should be:
LP Gas
Hi-Fire 6-15 PSI (41-102 kPa)
Lo-Fire 2-6 PSI (14-41 kPa)
Natural Gas
Hi-Fire 6-10 PSI (41-69 kPa)
Lo-Fire 1-3 PSI (7-20 kPa)
If the burner remains on hi-fire and does not cycle, increase the regulator setting on the propane models,
or the supply valve on the natural gas models in order to reach the plenum set point. If the burner remains in lo-
fire and does not cycle, slightly decease gas pressure with the cycling solenoid needle valve. If the gas pressure is