Grain Systems PNEG-1927 User Manual

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Flame Probe Kit using HF-7318-1

Installing a new HF-7318 circuit board

The flame sensors red and green wires will connect directly to the HF-7318-1 board to terminals 3 and 4.
Use the wiring diagram contained in this document for reference. The HH-1088 reset switch is no longer
needed and will be removed from the circuit.

NOTE: This kit is applicable only to 120V bin heater units. Please contact the factory if your heater is not
in this application. The HF-7318-1 is a flame rectification system which utilizes a flame rod.

DANGER! Disconnect power and lock out prior to performing this service!

1. Before disconnecting the wires make note of the wire locations. It is helpful to label the wires using

the old board terminal numbers as a reference.

2. If replacing a burner board that is using the flame switch then replacement will be necessary with

flame rod kit number THH-7577.

3. Disconnect all wires to the existing HF-7100 or HF-7062 board.

4. Remove the old burner board by spreading the snap track slightly to allow the board to become free.

5. Snap the new burner HF-7318-1 board into the track. Be sure to orient the board so that the terminal

strips are positioned as indicated in the following wiring diagrams (locate terminals 11-24 toward
center of box).

6. Use the 2 diagrams on the following pages as a reference to rewire the HF-7318-1 board into the
