Delta 410 control panel software - mac – M-AUDIO Delta 410 User Manual
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buttons as well as an "installed hardware" set of radio buttons. These controls
appear regardless of what Delta Control Panel page is being displayed.
SAVE, DELETE, LOAD: The Delta Control Panel always retains the last
settings entered. However the Save, Delete, and Load functions expand this
capability to store different sets of control panel settings using different
configuration file names. These configurations are then available for recall at a
later date and time.
Clicking the ‘Save’ button brings up a dialog box prompting you to name the current
configuration. Once you have done this, click ‘OK’, and your current configuration
has been saved to disk. If you decide that you no longer need a particular
configuration, click the ‘Delete’ button. Highlight the name of the configuration file
that you wish to delete, and click the ‘OK’ button. To recall or reload a saved
configuration, click the ‘Load’ button. Highlight the name of the configuration file
that you wish to recall, and click ‘OK’. Those settings will now appear in the Delta
Control Panel and the driver will automatically update the hardware.
H/W INSTALLED: Up to four Delta cards may be installed in a system at one
time. This section displays all installed Delta cards, and allows you to select
which particular card is under the control of the control panel software. To select
a card for configuration, click the radio button to the left of that particular card
in the “H/W Installed” list.
Delta 410 Control Panel Software - Mac
The Delta Control Panel must be placed on the hard drive by dragging the
application from the Drivers CD. Once this is done, an alias may be created by
highlighting the Delta Control Panel on the hard drive and pressing the Apple
key+M. Then, this alias may be dragged to the desktop. Double clicking either
will launch the control panel. Once the Delta Control Panel software has been
opened, you will see the main panel and its several tabs. To display a desired
page, click on its tab. Below are functional descriptions of each page.
NOTE: When using a music software program that is ASIO capable,
launch the Delta Control Panel software from within that program.
There will be a button in the ASIO or Audio setup page that will
allow you to do so. Some of the control panel functions will be
controlled from within that program, such as master clock setting
and sample rate, so it is desirable to launch the music program
first, and then the Delta Control Panel from the the program’s
“launch” or “control panel” button. Without the music program
open however, it is okay to open the Delta panel from your desktop
or other location.