M-AUDIO Delta 410 User Manual

Page 10

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This example shows the M Audio Delta 410 and Midiman MidiSport 8x8/S entries
in the Windows Device Manager device list. The Delta 410 is properly installed with
no conflicts, as is the MidiSport 8x8/S. If you do not see your M Audio Delta 410 in
your Device Manager in this fashion, please jump ahead to the "Troubleshooting"
section of this manual.

Verifying Delta Control Panel Software Installation

In Windows, open the Windows Control Panel (do so via Start | Settings | Control
Panel ). If your Delta 410 hardware and Delta Control Panel software are
properly installed, the Windows Control Panel should display an "M Audio Delta
H/W" icon. By double-clicking on that icon, you can launch the Delta Control
Panel software. For convenience, you may also create a shortcut on your desktop
by dragging a copy of the "M Audio Delta H/W" icon from the Control Panel to
your Windows desktop using your mouse or trackball. After completing the drag
operation, a dialog box will ask you if you wish to create a shortcut -- click on