Vutec SILVERSTAR 3D-A - Product Sheet User Manual
Silverstar 3d-a

Fixed Frame Screens
2D/3D Active Screen
Standard (4:3) : 72” - 118”
HDTV (16:9) : 92” - 145”
Computer (16:10) : 94” - 134”
Widescreen (2.35:1) : 115” - 181”
3D-A (Active technology) is Vutec’s award
winning 3D + 2D + HD in one optimal projection screen.
This revolutionary high gain screen delivers the ultimate
in picture quality, vivid colors, high contrast, and a wide
viewing area to produce a true 3D cinematic experience.
3D-A’s superior performance begins with
its innovative, patented metallic based technology
to provide the ultimate performance. This state-of-
the art technology increases color saturation while
expanding contrast in controlled or uncontrolled lighting
environments. Image brightness loss from viewing
through 3D glasses diminishes approximately 50%. This
is created by the polarization process that is creating the
3D effect. By utilizing SilverStar
3D-A, the viewer will
reclaim light loss to produce a brighter more vivid 3D
viewing experience.
SilverStar™ 3D-A is custom made to order and can
be multiplexed for large theaters. With unsurpassed
versatility, it is the screen of choice for home theater
systems, retail displays, command and control (NOC),
worship, and education venues.
SilverStar™ 2D/3D-A (Active)
• 3D-A + 2D + HD in one screen
• Superior High Gain
• High Contrast
• Vivid Colors
• Superior ambient light rejection
• Wide viewing area
• Outstanding color reproduction
• Extruded 1½” black velvet finished frame
• Panels can be multiplexed for large presentations
• Rigid Surface
• Screen is fully assembled and crated for shipping
• Custom sizes and formats available
• Optional tubular stand legs
• Also available in 1:1 & 2.40:1 formats
• 1 year warranty
U.S. Patent N0. 7,057,812