Velleman К8048 User Manual

Page 14

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PIC programmer board


Step-by-step execution of a sample program.

For our example we will use the program demo1.asm, a simple running light:


Verify whether the adapter and the serial connection of your K8048/VM111 are connected and
make sure the programmer software has been installed on your PC.


Compile the file 'demo1.asm' with MPASM.EXE (see Compiling)


Start the programmer software, PICPROG2.EXE


Check all settings (PIC16F627), the serial port and the communication speed always start with
the 'LOW' setting).


Read in the compiled file, demo1.hex. ( file...)


Put SW5 in the 'PROG' position.


Click on 'WRITE' in the PICPROG2 software.


Now you can monitor the writing process on the activity screen.


Put SW5 in the 'RUN' position when the programming is completed. LEDs LD1 to LD6 should
now form a running light.