Velleman К8048 User Manual
Page 10

PIC programmer board
Check the settings of the software
Set the number of the serial port the K8048 is connected to.
Writing the CODE: (standard = ON).
Writing the EEPROM data (standard = ON).
Writing the configuration settings (standard = ON).
ERASE before WRITE: (standard = ON). This indicates that the controller is erased prior to
LOW VOLTAGE Programming: does not apply to the K8048. All controllers are programmed
with a programming voltage (VPP) of 13 and not 5V.
Select the microcontroller you are using. The included microcontroller belongs to one of the
two following types : PIC16F627 of PIC16F627A. Make sure you have selected the right type
Normally speaking the configuration of the controller is identified with the __CONFIG compiler
directive as early as in the source code. Only experienced users can set these options
manually or adjust them.
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