Spicer 80 RING & PINION KITS User Manual
Model 80 ring & pinion kits axl-pni-49 part number
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DATE: October 30, 1998
TO: All
Light Axle Distributors
Below you will find a spreadsheet of Model 80 ring & pinion kits and their components.
You will see that there may be multiple kits of the same ratio. We have begun to offer
additional thicknesses in our shim packages. Also, in some applications we are now using
carrier-bearing spacers. In some instances the ring & pinion kit numbers have superseded
to newer numbers that have these packages. You should continue to use the kits that are
part of the axle bill of material that you are servicing unless our engineering group
supersedes this number to a new one.
Ring and
Pin. Kit
Gear Ring Pin. Dif.
Seal /
Supersedes To
707060-1X 4.63 73167X 42420 42419 701091X NA
701092X N/A
707060-2X 5.13 73168X 42424 42423 701091X NA
701092X 707060-4X
707060-3X* 3.73 73958X 43661 43660 701091X NA
701092X N/A
707060-4X 5.13 73168X 42424 42423 701091X NA
701092X N/A
707060-5X* 4.63 74680X 44841 44840 701109X NA
701092X 707361-1X
707060-6X* 5.13 74681X 44843 44842 701109X NA
701092X 707361-2X
707060-7X* 3.31 74375X 44273 44272 701091X NA
701092-1X N/A
707060-8X* 3.23 75012X 45853 45852 701091X NA
701092X N/A
707060-9X 3.54 73353X 42680 42682 701091X NA
701092X 708026-1
707060-10X 4.10 73200X 42465 42464 701091X NA
701092X 708026-2
707060-11X 6.83 74462X 44487 44486 701091X NA
701092X N/A
707060-12X 4.63 73167X 42420 42419 701091X NA
701092-1X N/A
707060-13X 5.13 73168X 42424 42423 701091X NA
701092-1X N/A
707361-1X* 4.63 74680X 44841 44840 701134X 44849
701092X 707361-3X
707361-2X* 5.13 74681X 44843 44842 701134X 44849
701092X 707361-4X
707361-3X* 4.63 75619X 46976 44840 701134X 44849 701092X N/A
707361-4X* 5.13 75621X 46978 44842 701134X 44849 701092X N/A
707361-5X 4.63 73167X 42420 42419 701134X 44849 701092-1X N/A
707361-6X 5.13 73168X 42424 42423 701134X 44849
701092-1X N/A
707361-7X 4.63 76020X 47546 47544 701134X 44849
701092X ON
707361-8X 5.13 76021X 47550 47548 701134X 44849
701092X ON
707361-9X 3.54 73353X 42680 42682 701134X 44849
701092X ON
707361-10X 4.10 73200X 42465 42464 701134X 44849
701092X N/A
707361-11X 4.10 80087 42465 49419 701134X 44849
701092X N/A
3.54 73353X 42680 42682 702004 NA
701092-1X N/A
yet (10/98)
4.10 73200X 42465 42464 702004 NA
701092-1X N/A
yet (10/98)