Spicer DS462 User Manual

Page 4

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Ground Connection

11. Important: The first weld pass must be centered over the fit-up line and penetrate the failed area. Remove

all slag. The first pass must cool before the second pass can be applied.

First Pass


First Weld Pass
(Centered over
fit-up line)


12. Second Pass Cover Weld – Remember, do not start or stop at the 12:00 position. The second pass will be

placed slightly above the initial pass. See drawing below. When making the second pass the weld direction
should be reversed. When using an Arc welder you may have to start the weld at the 1:00 position so that you
do not run out of electrode at the 12:00 position. You can then go back and fill in the ends of the weld area.
When the second pass cools, apply the third weld pass as show on the diagram below.

Second Weld Pass



Second Pass Cover


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