Spicer Differential Lock Conversion User Manual

Differential lock conversion parts information, Spicer, Components bulletin

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Differential Lock Conversion

Parts Information



Components Bulletin

Truck Components

This bulletin contains the necessary information to convert DC/RC461, 521, 581 Controlled Traction Tandem Drive Axles and
DS/RS461, 521, 581. Single Reduction Tandem Drive Axles over to DD/RD461, 521, 581 Tandem Drive Axles w/ Wheel Differ-
ential Lock. The conversion table below shows the kit(s) needed for converting each particular model, and the page number
within this bulletin detailing each kit and OEM supplied parts.
You MUST pay close attention to all NOTES and WARNING symbols.
Bulletin 91-04 dated January 1991 and Instruction Booklet AXDR-0130 are available to assist customers with the operating
instructions and features of Spicer wheel differential locking axles.