5 user management – QNAP Security VioStor NVR (Version: 4.1.2) User Manual
Page 159

User Management
The NVR supports secure user access right management. A user can be defined as an
administrator, a system manager, or a general user and given different rights of monitoring,
playback, and system administration.
Note: The NVR supports up to 32 users (including the system default users).
The NVR supports 3 types of users:
The system default administrator accounts are ‘admin’ and ‘supervisor’ (default
password: admin). Both of them have the rights of system administration,
monitoring, and playback. The administrators cannot be deleted. They have the
rights to create and delete new administrators, system managers, and general users,
and change their passwords. Other newly created ‘administrators’ have the rights of
system administration, monitoring, and playback but some rights are different from
‘admin’ and ‘supervisor’. Please refer to Chapter 6.5.4 for more details.
system manager
The default system manager account is ‘sysmgr’ (default password: admin). This
account has the right of system administration and cannot be deleted. ‘sysmgr’ can
create and delete other system manager and general user accounts, and assign
monitoring, playback, and administration rights to them. Other newly created system
managers will also have the administration right but some rights are different from
‘sysmgr’. Please refer to Chapter 6.5.4 for more details.