High Lifter Outlaw Clutch Kit for Kawasaki 650 Prairie (02-03) User Manual
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6. Using the compression tool (EPI part #CCT510) compress the secondary spring retainer to release pressure off of
the snap ring. Remove the snap ring and remove spring. If one of the metal rollers has fallen out of the clutch
remove the bottom spring retainer and open the clutch about half way open. Using your fingers or a needle nose
pliers place the roller small end in first in the open slot and push in. It is normally easiest to install the roller when it
is located in the center of the track. All four rollers should look the same and be in the same location. If the roller
continues to fall out you can put a small dab of grease on it and then install it, the grease will help hold it in place.
Close the clutch and install the bottom spring retainer. Install the EPI secondary spring, compress the spring and
retainer and install the snap ring.
7. Place the belt on both clutches. Most belts have an arrow indicating direction of rotation. If your belt doesn’t, be
sure to install it so that you can read the part number. In either case, always run the belt the same direction as it
was new. Slide both clutches on the machine at the same time. Install the secondary clutch nut and torque to 69
ft/lbs. Install primary clutch bolt & washers. Torque the primary clutch bolt to 69 ft/lbs. Torque the secondary
clutch nut to 69 ft/lbs.
8. Check for proper belt deflection. Belt deflection should be 22-27mm (.87 - 1.06 inches). Using a straight edge on
top of the belt, push down lightly on the belt to remove any slack and measure the distance between the belt and
straight edge (see diagram). Refer to your service manual if a change is needed.
9. Make sure the sensor switch inside the clutch cover is in the ON position. Install the plastic clutch cover carefully to
get a good seal. Install the rear vent tube and the electric actuator.
10. Go out and ride your machine in your normal riding conditions. If the performance does not seem right, double
check to see if everything was installed properly.
NOTICE: Even with this clutch kit, you should be advised that using substantial throttle when the tires are not able to
spin can cause the belt to slip and damage may occur. EPI recommends that the transmission be shifted into low
range when high load, slower speed situations are encountered. EPI is not responsible for any damage to the drive
belt or any other original equipment component.
22-27 mm