High Lifter Outlaw Super Duty Extreme Clutch Kit for Polaris 500 Sportsman HO Carb (06), (08-12) Non-EBS User Manual

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6. It is a good idea to clean your clutches. Using a clean rag and a contact/brake cleaner that DOES NOT leave an oily

film or residue clean all areas of the clutch except on the bushings. Cleaning the clutch bushings with a cleaning
solvent can cause premature wear. This applies to both clutches.

7. Install the RED colored primary spring. Make sure the spring fits flat into the clutch at both ends. Install the cover

plate making sure the “X” lines up. Tighten the six outside cover bolts evenly so the cover goes on straight to
prevent bushing damage. Install the center clutch bolt and torque to 45-47 ft/lbs. After riding your machine, if you
would like HIGHER engagement than where this kit engages, you can install the ORANGE colored spring. This
spring will HIGHER your engagement 2-300 RPMs. If your kit only has one primary spring you can order this
optional spring through EPI.

8. Remove the secondary (rear) clutch by removing the center clutch bolt and pulling towards you. The clutch should

slide off the splined shaft. If the clutch sticks on the shaft spray some penetrating fluid on the shaft to help free it.
If it still doesn’t come off, you will need to order a secondary clutch puller (EPI part #SCP-1). When the clutch does
come off pay attention to the shims behind the clutch on the shaft. These shims effect the clutch alignment, if they
slide off the shaft be sure to put them back on.

9. Place the clutch face down so the snap ring is facing up. Push down on the helix to take the pressure off the snap

ring and remove the snap ring. The helix and spring can now be taken out of the clutch. CAUTION the helix will
have spring tension on it and can pop up and out of the clutch when snap ring is removed.

10. Apply a thin layer of grease on the splined hub of the EPI helix. Check to see if the spring fits into the necessary

holes. Some models may need to have a 1/4” drill bit to make the current holes larger so the spring will properly
seat in the hole. Install the EPI GREEN secondary spring in the #2 hole in the helix and the #2 hole in the clutch.
Align the helix on the splined shaft and compress about halfway down. While holding the helix and the bottom half
of the clutch from moving, turn the top half of the clutch counterclockwise approximately a 1/3 of a turn so the
plastic buttons in the clutch rotate past the next ramp on the helix. Push the helix down and install the snap ring.






- 1



- 2

Spring Position


- 1


- 3


- 2


- 3


11. Install the secondary clutch onto the machine and torque bolt to 15 ft/lbs. Install the belt so the words read from

left to right. Rotate the belt backwards to reset the clutch so the belt sits towards the outside of the secondary
clutch all the way around.

12. Check for proper belt deflection. The belt should ride 1/16” to 1/8” outside of the secondary clutch. Belt deflection

should be 1 1/8” to 1 1/4” between the clutches. Place a straight edge on top of the belt between the clutches.
Push down lightly on the belt to remove slack in the belt. Measure from the bottom of the straight edge to the top
of the belt (see diagram), this measurement is your belt deflection. If you belt is out of specification, you can
change it by adding or removing shims between the secondary clutch sheaves. Add shims to increase belt deflection
or remove shims to decrease belt deflection. One shim must always be between clutch sheaves at all times.

13. Install the plastic clutch cover making sure it seals properly. Install the small metal clamp back onto the rear of

the clutch cover. Tighten the clamps or zip ties to seal the vent tube on top of the clutch cover. Install the side
panel and seat. Install the foot rest and prepare to ride.

14. If after riding the machine something doesn’t seem right, double check that the secondary clutch has been

assembled correctly. If the machine seems stuck in high gear and not responsive chances are the secondary spring
is in the wrong position or not wound up correctly, repeat steps 8 thru 13.

NOTICE: Even with this clutch kit, you should be advised that using substantial throttle when the tires are not able to
spin can cause the belt to slip and damage may occur. EPI recommends that the transmission be shifted into low
range when high load, slower speed situations are encountered. EPI is not responsible for any damage to the drive
belt or any other original equipment component.