High Lifter Outlaw Clutch Kit for Arctic Cat 650 V-Twin 4x4 (04-06) User Manual
Arctic cat outlaw super duty kit instructions

8273 Industrial Park Road ▪ Baxter, MN 56425 ▪ (218) 829-6036 ▪ Fax (218) 829-1685
650 V2 4x4 2004-2006 (27”-28” TIRES)
Part #:
Kits designed for Stock motor and stock exhaust at 0-3000 feet elevation.
ATV’s can be dangerous. EPI has no control over the use of any part. EPI expects the customer to exercise good
judgment as to the proper selection, installation, use and maintenance of any part. EPI assumes no responsibility for
damage or injury of any kind because of misuse, improper installation and improper application of any parts in any way
by any person. Contact your local dealer to schedule installation of this clutch kit if you are not a qualified ATV
This product is NOT to be installed on any ATV that will be used by any person under the age of 16.
- #2 Phillips screwdriver
- 10mm, 19mm, 27mm socket
- T-27 Torx
- 10mm Wrench
- Side Cutters
- Snap Ring Pliers
- Torque wrench
- 1/2” Impact
- Clutch Puller (EPI part # PCP-10)
- Clutch Compression tool (EPI part # CCT510)
1. Remove the key from the ignition. Remove the seat and right side plastic panel. Remove the two large torx head
screws from rear fender that attach to footrest. Loosen the vent hose on the cover. Remove clutch cover bolts
(10mm socket) and take the clutch cover off. You will need to unplug the wires from the electric actuator and small
sensor in the center of the clutch cover to totally remove the cover. To unplug the wires from the sensors, follow
the wires to the connections in the wire harness and unplug at that location. You may need to cut a few zip ties to
free up the wires.
2. Remove the primary clutch bolt (19mm socket). This is a left threaded bolt. Insert clutch puller by hand (right
hand threads) and tighten until clutch pops off the shaft. This tool is available from EPI, part number PCP-10.
Loosen the secondary clutch nut (27mm socket) and remove both clutches at the same time. When you slide the
secondary clutch of the machine there are four metal roller pins inside the center shaft of the secondary clutch.
These will normally stay in place but if one does fall out refer to assembly instructions in step #6.
3. Disassemble the primary clutch by removing the eight bolts on the cover plate (10mm socket) and remove the
spring. Remove one nut (10mm) on the bolt that holds the weight in place, slide the pin out of the clutch and
remove the weight. Install EPI weight making sure the tip of the weight is resting on the inside ledge of the clutch.
Slide bolt through the holes in the clutch and the weight and install the nut. Repeat this step for the other three
weights. NOTE: If your kit has two different gram weights, for example two 54 and two 56 weights, be
sure to place them directly across from each other (or every other one). This keeps the clutch in
4. Install the RED spring and bolt the clutch cover back on using a criss-cross pattern to tighten down the cover.
There is a mark on the cover plate and the spider usually in the form of a dot or arrow in the casting. These are
alignment marks and must line up when the clutch is assembled. After riding your machine, if you would like
LOWER engagement than where this kit engages, you can install the PINK colored spring. This spring will LOWER
your engagement 3-400 RPMs. If your kit only has one primary spring you can order this optional spring through