GE Healthcare Advantage 4D User Manual
Advantage 4d, Ge healthcare

Efficient and accurate visualization
and assessment of respiratory induced
motion with fast 4D image
GE Healthcare
Patient motion and organ distortion, whether the result of voluntary
patient movement or natural functions such as respiration, can make
radiotherapy planning assessment less precise. Accurate targeting is
essential for sparing healthy tissue while delivering optimal therapy
to the target tumor.
Advantage 4D is a retrospective gating
CT application that analyzes and
characterizes respiration-induced
motion of the anatomy. It provides
information on the true shape of the
anatomical objects in motion, reduces
structural distortion, and identifies the
dynamic range of motion to help make
radiotherapy planning assessment
more precise. Advantage 4D helps you
determine extent and direction of the
motion and aids the decision whether
to employ standard or gated therapy.
Displays complete 4D
volumes in sagittal, coronal,
and axial planes for quick
respiratory motion
Auto4D offers a fast, efficient
automated 4D workflow
including binning, and
intensity image creation (MIP,
Ave-IP, Min-IP).
• Advantage 4D is protocol
driven and fully automated.
You spend less time choosing
appropriate phases or
building 4D movie loops
Advantage 4D
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