Ge imagination at work – GE Healthcare Optima CT660 User Manual
Page 18
© 2012 Copyright GE Healthcare – DOC1228345-BE
About GE Healthcare
GE Healthcare provides transformational medical
technologies and services that are shaping a new age of
patient care. Our broad expertise in medical imaging and
information technologies, medical diagnostics, patient
monitoring systems, drug discovery, biopharmaceutical
manufacturing technologies, performance improvement
and performance solutions services help our customers
to deliver better care to more people around the world
at a lower cost. In addition, we partner with healthcare
leaders, striving to leverage the global policy change
necessary to implement a successful shift to sustainable
healthcare systems.
Our “healthymagination” vision for the future invites
the world to join us on our journey as we continuously
develop innovations focused on reducing costs, increasing
access and improving quality around the world.
Headquartered in the United Kingdom, GE Healthcare is
a unit of General Electric Company (NYSE: GE). Worldwide,
GE Healthcare employees are committed to serving
healthcare professionals and their patients in more than
100 countries. For more information about GE Healthcare,
visit our website at
GE Healthcare
Chalfont St.Giles,
GE imagination at work
Data subject to change.
Marketing Communications GE Medical Systems
Société en Commandite Simple au capital de 85.418.040 Euros
283, rue de la Minière, 78533 Buc Cedex France
RCS Versailles B 315 013 359
A General Electric company, doing business as GE Healthcare
©2012 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.
All third party trademarks are the property of their respective
Not for distribution in the US.
* Trademarks of General Electric Company.
** option.
*** Trademark and option
† Option on Optima CT660
+ ASiR (Adaptive Statistical Iterative Reconstruction) is a recons-
truction technology that may enable reduction in pixel noise
standard deviation. The ASiR reconstruction algorithm may allow
for reduced mA in the acquisition of diagnostic images, thereby
reducing the dose required.
° In clinical practice, the use of ASiR may reduce CT patient dose
depending on the clinical task, patient size, anatomical location
and clinical practice. A consultation with a radiologist and a
physicist should be made to determine the appropriate dose to
obtain diagnostic image quality for the particular clinical task.
Some configurations and options of Optima* CT660 may not be
available to market or for sale in some countries.
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