GE Healthcare Comprehensive solution for liver embolization User Manual
Comprehensive solution for liver embolization

solution for liver
Cancer Institute Gustave-Roussy
The Institute Gustave-Roussy is a leading European cancer center. It
brings together 2,500 men and women dedicated to treating patients
suffering from cancer, conducting research, developing new therapies
and passing on knowledge to the medical and scientific communities
in France and worldwide.
The interventional radiology department, led by Dr. Thierry de
Baère, performs approximately 2,000 oncology procedures per
year, including radiofrequency ablation, transcatheter arterial
chemoembolization (TACE), biopsies, cementoplasties and others.
FlightPlan for Liver clinical case
The clinical case submitted by Drs. Thierry de Baère and Frédéric
Deschamps from the Institute Gustave Roussy illustrates ease of use
and potential clinical interest of FlightPlan for Liver with Innova Vision
as part of a comprehensive solution for embolization procedures.
Challenge of liver embolization
The liver arterial tree is a highly complex structure where 2D and 3D
imaging can be challenging to determine tumor-feeding vessels and
may delay the procedure.
FlightPLan for Liver helps interventionalists plan their liver
embolization procedures.
FlightPlan for Liver automatically highlights vessels travelling from the
catheter tip to the vicinity of a hypervascular lesion in three intuitive
steps. The output can be used as a 3D roadmap with Innova Vision
to help interventionalists guide their catheter into the arteries during
liver embolizations. After the procedure, the interventionalist can use
Integrated Registration to assess the result of the procedure.