Simplified workflow scalable to your needs – GE Healthcare LOGIQ S8 User Manual
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to help enhance your productivity & scanning comfort
to assist with your clinical requirements
Streamlined archiving and reporting
LOGIQ S8 provides robust DICOM connectivity and is
compatible with many imaging IT solutions. This connectivity
allows you to save images to a central location and review
alongside other imaging modalities. With ViewPoint* 6,
GE Healthcare’s reporting and image management solution,
users can connect with a PACS or Electronic Medical
Record (EMR) for comprehensive patient record storage.
The LOGIQ S8 ultrasound system enables
you to provide excellent care to your patients.
We are committed to providing you superb
imaging and simplifi ed workfl ow in a system
that is scalable to your needs – helping you
make confi dent decisions and supporting
your clinical needs.
We are committed to helping you with your daily challenges
by investing in programs, applications fl exibility and solutions
that truly address your needs. We offer a variety of service
and fi nancing solutions that help meet your budget goals.
We are also very dedicated to education and offer a wide
range of educational opportunities. These include academic
classroom training, online tutorials, LOGIQ Users Days, Meet
the Experts workshops and additional customized solutions
tailored to your needs. LOGIQ Club, the LOGIQ Users
community, offers you easy access to education such as:
video education, applications tip sheets, applications news
and more.