GE Healthcare Discovery CT750 HD User Manual
Page 25
6 Obtained by ICRP using a chest factor of
0.014* DLP
7 May J Low-risk chest pain patients
in the emergency department: Negative
64-channel cardiac CT angiography may
reduce length of stay and hospital charges.
AJR 2009; 192(S5): A1.
Assessing chest pain in the Er
with the Discovery CT750 hD.
A traditional cardiac diagnostic
pathway can take between 12 and
36 hours, utilizing a significant
amount of hospital time, personnel,
and resources. With the Discovery
CT750 HD system, unless the
scan indicates an occlusion with
greater than 75 percent stenosis,
patients may avoid additional
diagnostic cardiac procedures —
all while decreasing the time to
diagnosis and increasing through-
put and efficiency in your care
GE’s Discovery CT750 HD produces
remarkably clear, quality cardiac
images that have the potential to
streamline the care process, freeing
clinical staff to care for more patients.
A recent study has reported that a
diagnostic work up of a single set
of enzymes and an ECG along with
a cardiac CT angiography (CCTA)
takes an average of only 5 hours to
rule out coronary artery disease,
compared to an average of 25.4
hours with standard care workup.
That means your hospital can save
both time and resources.
0.57 mSv
Cardiac CTA is achievable
utilizing ASiR image reconstruction
on the Discovery CT750 HD.
Even at this ultra-low dose level, the
Discovery CT750 HD can visualize
vessels as small as 1mm in coronary
CTA exams.
GE Healthcare Discovery CT750 HD 25