GE Healthcare Navigator Applications Suite User Manual

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The clearer

you can see,

the more confidently

you can decide.

With an exclusive set of intelligent clinical tools
to help you effectively address the clinical
situation at hand.

Clarity. Confidence. Insight. Trust.

Navigator* Applications Suite software
is a smart technology that analyzes
drug therapy information to model and
predict the effect of supported
anesthesia-related drugs and drug
interactions. It helps provide valuable
information to support you in
optimizing patient management based
on your clinical judgement. Navigator
provides quick access to a continuous
flow of centralized, relevant

Navigator Applications Suite software
also brings together your hospital’s
own care protocols and diagnostic
device information, in one place for
easy reference.
With Navigator Applications Suite
software, you have the reassurance
that your care decisions are guided
by the experience and proven best
practices given in your hospital’s
approved clinical protocols.