EVS XEDIO Manager Version 4.2 - June 2012 User Manual User Manual
Page 94
Issue 4.2.B
Xedio Suite Version 4.2 - User Manual – Xedio Manager
EVS Broadcast Equipment – June 2012
Check Locked Media
in Media List
When selected: allows the user to check for locked media.
Automatic Restore
Restore Priority Edit
Field to enter a value corresponding to the Restore
Priority when a clip is dropped in the timeline or when
Edit Play date is modified.
Possible values: from 0 to 100, with 0 = disabled, 1 =
lowest priority and 100 = highest priority.
Restore Priority R2B
Field to enter a value corresponding to the Restore
Priority when an Edit is set to Ready to Broadcast.
Possible values: from 0 to 100, with 0 = disabled, 1 =
lowest priority and 100 = highest priority.
Base for new project
Free text field to enter the default base name for a new
Base for new edit
Free text field to enter the default base name for a new
Base for new clip
Free text field to enter the default base name for a new
Video standard
When selected: enables the selection of the video
Allow Change Edit
When selected: allows the user to change edit properties
in Edit Manager.
Allow Change Media
When selected: allows the user to change media
properties in Media Manager.
Max Date Interval
Field to define the maximum date interval, in days, which
can be used when a search filter is applied on a date
parameter (0 = no limit).
Max Result Set Size
Field to define the maximum number of items which will
be displayed in the Elements grid after a search filter has
been applied (0 = no limit).
Recent Date List
Free text field to define the dates to be displayed in
‘recent dates’ drop-down lists.