What’s new – EVS Xedio Approval Version 3.1 - January 2011 User Manual User Manual

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Issue 3.1.B

Xedio Suite Version 3.1 – User’s Manual - Xedio Approval

EVS Broadcast Equipment – January 2011


What’s New?

The following table describes the sections updated to reflect the new and modified

features on Xedio Approval from Xedio Suite 3.1 (compared to Xedio Suite 3.0).

In the user manual, the icon

has been added on left margin to highlight

information on new and updated features.

Click the section number (or the description) in the table to jump directly to the
corresponding section.

Section Description

3.1, 3.3

Revised area for the database search and filter.

2.1, 2.3.1, 2.3.4

Support of 16 audio channels.

Audio vumeters for the loaded media, edit or clip are
displayed next to the Video Display.