EVS XEDIO Importer Version 4.2 - June 2012 User Manual User Manual
Page 14

Issue 4.2.B
Xedio Suite Version 4.2 – User Manual – Xedio Importer
EVS Broadcast Equipment –June 2012
4/3 and 16/9: all the 4/3 files and the 16/9 files are
automatically imported.
‘No aspect ratio selected’: you need to manually select
the files to import in the Media List.
Button to force the data to be refreshed when the setup
parameters have been changed.
Button to access the setup parameters.
Media Properties
Name assigned to the files when they are imported to the
Xedio database.
Shooting date
Date when the media was recorded by the camera.
Default: current date
Media Class
Class categorizing the media as defined in Class Manager in
Xedio Manager.
Default: Undefined
Check box that allows you to see the imported media in the
client workstations database lists.
You need to check it if you want to use the media in
External Ref.
External reference of the source support, for example a
barcode identifying a tape of a VTR.
Optional text to describe the media.
Media List
List automatically filled in with the detected source files that can be imported from
the source location. Select the media to import from the list and click the Start
Import Process button to import the files to the specified destination.