Blue Ox BX8847 User Manual
Blue Ox For the car

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Installation Instructions
Towed Vehicle Wiring Kit
Overview: Run the four wire harness from the front of the car to the back seat of the car. Identify the
proper wires on the car wire harness under the back seat and splice in the diode modules. Hook the
four wire harness into the diodes.
NOTE: Some motorcoach's have separate turn signals and brake lights, identified by amber turn
signals and red brake lights (a 4-wire tail light system). This type of system requires the use of
a additional tail light converter that converts the 4-wire system to a 3 wire system (combines turn
signals and brake lights). The converter is not supplied in the kit but is available through a local
supply center.
NOTE: The following instructions are written for Saturn cars. This kit will also work on other makes
of vehicles. The procedure will be similar, but, the color and number of wires will likely be different.
1. Decide where you want to install a 4-wire or 6-wire trailer plug at the front of the towed vehicle.
This is where you will run the wire harness supplied with the kit. 4-wire and 6-wire plugs are
available at most Blue Ox dealers.
2. On the driver’s side under the front of the dash there is a large rubber grommet where the
main wire harness enters the passenger compartment. The wiring kit harness will also enter
the passenger compartment through this grommet. The grommet is located directly behind the
steering wheel and dash in the passenger compartment.
3. Route the wiring from the plug location back to the grommet under the front of the dash. Be sure
to keep the wire away from moving parts and areas that will get hot while the car is running.
4. Using a utility knife or a sharp pocket knife, cut a slit in the grommet just big enough to push the
end of the wire through into the passenger compartment. The smaller the slit the better, so don’t
make it any bigger than needed.
5. Push about 12" of wire through into the passenger compartment. Locate the wire behind the dash
and pull the rest of the wire through into the passenger compartment, leaving plenty of slack in the
engine compartment to tie the wire harness down and still leave the plug in the desired position.
6. Along the threshold of the driver’s side door there is a piece of plastic that holds the carpet down.
The plastic snaps into the metal frame. Starting near the center post, pull up the plastic and
unsnap it from the metal frame. The plastic narrows and continues up around the door. Do not
pull this part of the plastic loose.
7. The carpet ends behind and above the brake pedal. Feed the wire harness behind the carpet and
down to the threshold of the door. Pull all the wire down to this point. Spot taping the wire to the
existing harness as you go.
8. The bottom of the back seat is held down by two steel clips. The clips are located along the front
of the seat and would be between your legs if you were sitting in the seat. Slide your finger or a
small screwdriver along the seam between the seat and the floor to locate the exact position. To
release the clip push in on the clip with a screwdriver. With both clips released, pull the front of
the seat up and remove the seat.