Blue Ox BX88175 User Manual

Installation instructions

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© 2002, 2006

Blue Ox Division, Automatic Equipment Mfg. Co. • One Mill Road, Industrial Park

Pender, Nebraska 68047 • Phone 402-385-3051 Fax 402-385-3360 •

BX88175 Installation Instructions

ToadStop II Vacuum Brake System

Serial No.

292-5958 10/07 Page 1 of 10

Customer supplied tools & supplies
Utility knife, 12VDC tester, drill & bits: (1/8", 1/4", 5/8”), ¼” socket drive bit, punch, wire stripper/crimp tool,
pliers:(standard, long nose, wire cutter), screw drivers:(Phillips, slotted small & regular), wrenches:(10mm,
3/8", 7/8", 15/16", adjustable), 1/4" drive & 7/16"socket. Supplies: electrical tape, butt connectors, shielded
spade connectors, wire ties.



a. Remove rubber pedal cover and drill 1/8” hole in the face of brake pedal frame at its lowest point. If there

is too much pulling pressure at this point, use brake pedal assembly (item 24) above brake pedal pad.

For vehicles with continuous power assist brakes, do NOT drill into brake pedal frame. Use brake
pedal assembly (item 24) above the brake pedal frame.
The lower the assembly is placed on the pedal
frame, the more force that is applied.

b. Decide where to locate the blue box. The cable assembly is 15 ft. long so the box can be mounted in

the trunk. The box can also be mounted behind the driver's seat. If this location is preferred, the cable
assembly will need to be cut and modi

 ed. Set the box where you would like it when towing. Lay the

cable assembly on the

 oor, placing the pulley end straight behind the brake pedal as shown in Fig. 1.

Measure the distance the cable housing extends past the box. This is how much will need to be cut off
of cable housing. Take the cable stop off of cable. Pull the cable housing off of the knurled

 tting that is

mounted to the pulley. Slide the 1" adapter tube and 1/4" long tube off of cable housing. Pull the cable
out of the cable housing and mark out the previously measured distance on the housing and cut. The
metal winding in the housing may have to be sanded down. Mount the cable housing back onto the

 tting on the pulley. Route the cable through the housing and replace the cable stop. Cut the

cable, making sure the cable is about 12" longer than the housing. Locate a mounting point for the pulley
behind the brake pedal on

 rewall. (Align the pulley trailing side straight behind pedal arc for a good

straight pull of the pedal) Fig.1

c. Using two self-tapping screws, mount the pulley to the

 rewall. Run the cable housing under the  oor mat

or customize routing under carpet and dock plastic end to box. (Fig.4, Fig.1)

d. Connect cable ball in the center position on the pull arm in the box. Fig. 4
e. Attach the cable at the brake pedal with cable stop, making sure there is no play in the cable, then make

adjustments testing.

TOAD VACUUM HOSE INSTALLATION: See Fig. 3 - For vehicles with continous power assist brakes

do NOT perform the "toad vacuum hose installation" steps . Simply connect ToadStop II to kit
reservoir via hose (see Fig.3) for these vehicles.

a. Remove the original vacuum line from the booster check valve and install the “check valve/T” assembly

to the booster check valve as shown in Fig. 3 (install original vacuum line to “black side” of kit check valve

b. Find an existing hole in the

 rewall, or if there isn't one, drill a 5/8" hole and mount bulkhead. Tighten the

3/8" hose barbs on each side. Use hose clamps that are provided on all hose connections. Route the
vacuum tube to the

 rewall bulkhead connection and into drivers compartment to mate with box at vacuum

quick connect.