When using your computer – Dell Inspiron 2650 User Manual
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D e l l ™ I n s p i r o n ™ 2 6 0 0 a n d 2 6 5 0 S y s t e m I n f o r m a t i o n G u i d e
Caution: Air Travel (Safety Instructions, continued)
When Using Your Computer
Observe the following safe-handling guidelines to prevent damage to your
When setting up the computer for work, place it on a level surface.
When traveling, do not check the computer as baggage. You can put
your computer through an X-ray security machine, but never put your
computer through a metal detector. If you have the computer checked
by hand, be sure to have a charged battery available in case you are
asked to turn on the computer.
When traveling with the hard drive removed from the computer, wrap
the drive in a nonconducting material, such as cloth or paper. If you
have the drive checked by hand, be ready to install the drive in the
computer. You can put the hard drive through an X-ray security
machine, but never put the drive through a metal detector.
Certain Federal Aviation Administration regulations and/or
airline-specific restrictions may apply to the operation of your
Dell™ computer while you are on board an aircraft. For
example, such regulations/restrictions may prohibit the use of
any personal electronic device (PED) that has the capacity for
intentional transmission of radio frequency or other
electromagnetic signals while on an aircraft.
In order to best comply with all such restrictions, if your
Dell portable computer is equipped with Dell
TrueMobile™ or some other wireless communication
device, please disable this device before you board the
aircraft and follow all instructions provided by airline
personnel with regard to such device.
Additionally, the use of any PED, such as a portable
computer, may be prohibited in aircraft during certain
critical phases of flight, for example, takeoff and landing.
Some airlines may further define the critical flight phase as
any time the aircraft is below 3050 m (10,000 ft). Please
follow the airline’s specific instructions as to when the use
of a PED is allowed.