Pro stretch – Activeforever ProStretch User Manual
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to improve muscular strength and endurance . . .
Improving muscular strength and endurance is just another
way that ProStretch was designed to prevent injures. Any
time you use ProSretch, you are automatically strengthening
the muscles of the lower leg. The longer you continuously
work on the ProStretch, the more endurance training takes
place. By improving muscular strength and endurance, the
risk of sports injuries occurring from muscular fatigue are
Turn the ProStretch unit
around and place your toes
into the center valley of
Prostretch. Bracing yourself
against a wall for balance,
point toes toward the floor,
then drop heel back to
floor. 3 sets of 10 with 5 second intervals are
Anterior Tibialis
Toe Tapping
From a seated position,
place your foot in
ProStretch. Lift toes and
then push down as if
accelerating on the gas
pedal in your car. 3 sets of
25 with 5 seconds are
Toe Lifts
Place ProStretch arms
length from wall. With
hands on wall for support,
place complete foot on
front platform of
ProStretch. Slide heel back
securely against elevated
heel portion. Lift up toes
and drop back to floor.
3 sets of 8 to 10 with 5
second intervals is
Therapy Products