Flexibility exercises – Activeforever ProStretch User Manual
Page 4

Flexibility Exercises:
Gastrocnemius or “gastroc”
This is the upper bulky part of the calf which attaches behind
the knee and joins to the soleus calf muscle. The gastroc is
the most dense of the two calf muscles and will allow the
most flexibility.
With Unilateral
Place ProStretch arms length
away from wall or other
supportive structure.
Place both hands on wall — then
fit either foot into ProStretch
with heel snugly into heel cup
and toes on front platform.
Stand straight up with all your
weight on ProStretch and lean
slightly forward. Your other
foot not in ProStretch should
come up off floor and may be
pointed so that toes touch the
floor. This is important for balance and to keep hips
level. While leaning slightly forward, keep shoulders,
hips and ankle of foot on ProStretch in line with each
other. (Figure 1A)
Keep leg straight on ProStretch and let your ankle pivot
so your heel gently rocks back until you feel a slight
tension in the upper gastroc calf muscle.
Hold for 30 seconds, then roll the foot to neutral
position and relax for 5 seconds. Repeat two more sets
of 30 seconds.
Switch to other leg and start from #1.
To reach the inner and outer
region of the gastroc , slowly
rock heel back again until you
feel slight tension and simply
turn your hips outward. Hold
and repeat #5. Turning hips
inward will rotate the stretch to
the opposite side. Hold and
repeat # 5. (Figure 1B)
Switch to the other leg and
follow same procedure.
(Figure 1A)
(Figure 1B)