Slendertone ‘dos’ and ‘don’ts – Activeforever Slendertone Flex Pro Unisex Abs User Manual
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Bio-Medical Research Ltd.,
Customer Contact Centre,
Parkmore Business Park West,
Dear Customer,
Thank you for purchasing one of our
Abdominal Training Belts.
redesigned its body toning systems with a new philosophy
, active exercise technology
and a fresh new look.
has always endorsed exercise and healthy eating
but the new and improved technology makes it easier to combine activ
e and passive
Whether simply relaxing at home or using them as par
t of your exercise routine,
has a range of Abdominal Training Belts for y
ou to choose from. The
benefits of using a
Abdominal Training System are:
• A firmer, flatter stomach
• A better body shape
• Your clothes fit better
For beginners, we have the
Abdominal Training System for men
and women, which has seven toning programmes. These pr
ogrammes include two
abdominal programmes, Ab Walker 1 and 2, which w
ere developed
for use while walking.
The next product in the
Abs range is the
Abdominal Training System, which is also av
ailable for both men and women.
This belt
has 10 training programmes, which include two Spor
ts Pro programmes and two new
ab-crunching programmes: Ab Crunch 1 and 2.
The Ab Crunch 1 programme specifically
targets the Transversus Abdominis muscle (six pack), while Ab Crunch 2 pr
targets the oblique muscles.
Research has shown that by using your
, optimal physical benefits can
be achieved including improved muscle tone, cor
e stability and posture. This is because
the technology behind the
products has been clinically pr
oven to work,
which is why nine in ten users said that "using a
abdominal belt whilst
walking improved abdominal muscle tone" and nine in ten users said that it gav
them a better work out. Eight out of ten people felt that their stomach was flatter
and nine out of ten felt firmer after only eight w
eeks of use.
If you have any queries, please contact us thr
ough the
Careline number,
which is detailed below.
Once again, thank you for choosing
. We are confident you will soon be
seeing results.
Yours Sincerely,
Fintan Maher
Customer Relations
Careline UK 0845 070 77 77
Careline Republic of Ireland 1890 92 33 88
‘Dos’ and ‘Don’ts’
Abdominal Training Systems are suitable for
use by all healthy adults. However, as with other forms of
exercise, some care is needed when using them, so
always follow the points below and read the support pack
before use. Some of the points below are gender specific.
Please do not use if:
• You have an electronic implant (e.g. cardiac pacemaker)
or suffer from any other heart problem.
• You are pregnant.
• You suffer from cancer, epilepsy or are under medical
supervision for cognitive dysfunction.
• The unit is in close proximity (e.g. 1m) to shortwave or
microwave therapy equipment.
• You are connected to high-frequency surgical
• Wearing the device necessitates placement over areas at
which drugs/medicines are administered by injection
(short term or long term) e.g. hormone treatment.
Please wait before using your slendertone Abdominal
Training System until:
• At least six weeks after the birth of your baby (you must
consult your doctor first).
• One month after an IUD contraceptive device (e.g. coil)
has been fitted.
• At least three months after having a Caesarean (you
must consult your doctor first).
• The heavy days of your period have finished.
Please get your doctor’s or physio’s permission
before using this product if:
• You wish to use a slendertone belt and have a bad
back. You should also ensure the intensity is kept low.
• You have any serious illness or injury not mentioned in
this guide.
• You have recently had an operation.
• You take insulin for diabetes.
• You want to use it on a young child.
• You suffer from muscle or joint problems.
• Using the device as part of a rehabilitation programme.
When applying the pads and belt, always remember to:
• Place the pads and belt ONLY on the abdomen as
indicated in this manual.
• Avoid placing the pads or belt on the front or sides of
the neck, across or through the heart (i.e. one pad on
the front of the chest and one on the back), in the
genital region or on the head. (Other slendertone units
are available for other areas of the body – details are
available from your stockist)
• Avoid any recent scars, broken or inflamed skin, areas
of infection or susceptibility to acne, thrombosis or
other vascular problems (e.g. varicose veins), or any
parts of the body where feeling is limited.
• Avoid areas of injury or restricted movement
(e.g. fractures or sprains).
• Avoid placing the pads directly over metal implants.
They may be placed on the nearest muscle.
Possible adverse reactions
• A small number of isolated skin reactions have been
reported by people using muscle stimulation devices,
including allergies, a prolonged reddening of the skin
and acne.
To reposition pads during a session
• Always pause the programme currently running,
unfasten the belt and then refasten it behind your back
once the pads’ position has been adjusted.
After strenuous exercise or exertion
• Always use a lower intensity to avoid muscle fatigue.
Contact slendertone or an authorised distributor if:
• Your unit is not working correctly. Do not use in the
• You experience any irritation, skin reaction,
hypersensitivity or other adverse reaction. You should,
however, note that some reddening of the skin can
appear under the belt during and for a short time after a
• An effective treatment should not cause undue
• Keep your unit out of the reach of children.
• The studs and pads must not be connected to other
• Do not use your unit at the same time as any other
device which transfers an electrical current into the body
(e.g. another muscle stimulator).
• Do not touch the pads or metal studs while the unit is
switched on.
• Do not use while driving or operating machinery.
• Your slendertone abdominal unit should not be used
with a garment from any other slendertone product.
Doing so may result in an unbalanced stimulation and
an inefficient toning session.
• slendertone will not accept responsibility if the
guidelines and instructions supplied with this unit are
not followed.
NB: If you are in any doubt about using a slendertone
belt for any reason, please consult your doctor before
s l e n d e r t o n e s u p p o r t pa c k