Smbus c ontroller, Gbe c ontroller, Wake on lan fro m s5 – Acnodes FES 2953 User Manual
Page 43: Resto re ac pow er l oss, Slp_s4 a ssertion stretch en abl e, Aud io c onfi guratio n, B ios setu p, Smbu s controller help, Th is is con stan tly en ab led, Wake o n lan fro m s5 h elp

SB C hip set Co nfigu ration
This se ction al lows you t o confi gure the So ut h Bri dge Chipset .
Ap tio S etu p Ut ility
M ain
Ad vanced
C h i p set
Boo t
S ecur ity
S ave & E xit
SB Chi pset Confi guration
SM B us C ontr oll er
E nabl ed
GbE Control ler
E nabl ed
W ake on LA N from S 5
E nabl ed
SLP _S 4 As ser tion S tretc h Enabl e
E nabl ed
SLP _S 4 As ser tion W i dth
4- 5 Sec onds
Audi o Configur ati on
Az ali a HD A udio
E nabl ed
→ ← Select Screen
Select Item
Enter: Select
+- Change Field
F1: General Help
F2: Previous Values
F3: Optimized Default
F4: Save ESC: Exit
SMBus C ontroller
SMBu s Controller help.
GbE C ontroller
Th is is con stan tly en ab led .
Wake on LAN fro m S5
Wake o n LAN fro m S5 h elp .
Resto re AC Pow er L oss
Options are Power Off, Power On and L as t State.
SLP_S4 A ssertion Stretch En abl e
Select a min imum assertio n widt h of the SLP_S4 # signal.
Aud io C onfi guratio n
Th e Aud io Configuration settings E nable/Disable the Azalia HD Aud io an d the
Azalia in ternal HDMI cod ec.